
Saturday, 3 January 2015


Director (Ridley Scott) takes on the biblical story in an epic movie in the journey of Prophet Moses in leading 600,000 thousands Israelites free from a whole Egyptian empire.

Moses finds out about his true identity, and after the demise of the King he must lead his people and deliver them out of Egypt. At first he struggles with the task haven't been raised as a Egyptian prince.

Two brothers raised together, Christian Bale (Prophet Moses) and his brother Pharaoh Ramses (Joel Edgerton) always promised to keep each other safe. Moses carries this reminder with him even to the end of the film on the parting of the red sea by refusing to turn back and asking Ramses to return back to dry land.

Moses encountered the messenger of God in the burning bush! Instructing Him to deliver the Israelites from the hands of Ramses saying to him “I am I am”…...
The movie is breath-taking as Christian Bale plays an extraordinary role in the blockbuster movie and Joel Edgerton takes him head on by acting so terrific with a hardened heart and a natural fighter who refuses to give up even when faced with death.

I particular love how the movie puts  the biblical events into a classical play, and puts God on an unreachable pedestal on what He can do when we refuse to yield to his instructions and commands, we see that in the way God sends plagues to the people of Egypt.

Apart from the excellent visual effects, sound and beautiful costumes, the movie is a great one to watch. It’s a film about
truth, love, power, obedience, relationship, the mighty hand of God, honesty and much more!

Also a remarkable acting by the other cast such as Ben Kingsley, Maria Valverde, John Turturro, Sigourney Weaver, Ben Meldensohn among others.

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