
Sunday, 17 May 2015

So You Want to Get Married? Are You a Virtuous Woman?

“I desire a God-fearing man with the wisdom of TD Jakes, the body of Will Smith and the swag of Lucious Lyon (Terrence Howard). I want a man with loads of money to throw around. He doesn’t have to be as rich as Steve Jobs, or live in a gigantic house, but he should at least own a penthouse. He doesn’t have to own a private jet, but he should be able to purchase a first-class ticket whenever I need to travel.” Is that too much to ask for?

“Hold on! ‘I need! I need! I need!’” What are you bringing on board? You can try for a million years, but a porous basket will never work as a vessel to hold water. Here’s another way to look at it: what use would it be to pour water into a basket? I mean, it’s okay to want all of these things in a partner (the “water”) but if you are not able to contain it (like the “basket”), you will only become a liability to the source.

Every rich man out there is probably seeking and searching for the heart of a queen. The word “queen” here isn’t necessarily referring to someone of nobility by title. Rather, it means that there must be something unique and special about you that stands you out. There is more to being a woman. A virtuous woman brings out the king in her husband.

When a King and a Queen come together, such combinations don’t simply make babies: they create a kingdom. They don't just raise children, either – instead, they raise a nation! A wise King understands the symbolic meaning of a crown. The bible actually refers to the woman herself as the crown. As written in Proverbs 12:4, “A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown.” In other words, a crown cannot exist without a King. And likewise, a King needs the CROWN in order to lead as a King. A virtuous woman is not actually looking for an extraordinary man! Instead, she turns an ordinary man into an extraordinary man!

 One question you must ask yourself is this:

"Am I going to be an asset or a liability to my spouse? Will I be a woman with a purpose?”

The term “purpose” here refers to that which God intends for every woman, to be "The Virtuous Woman." The virtuous woman is not a myth, nor does it happen overnight. Instead, it is attainable and stems from a woman who walks in the will, purpose and instructions of God.
I am writing specifically about the ‘Proverbs 31 Woman’ “A role model to be emulated by this generation and set aside to be a helper to her spouse … it is the duty of the man to provide for his household” (1Tim 5:8). The bible calls the husband the head, and makes it clear here:

"But if a man does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and he is worse than an unbeliever.”

A virtuous woman is a woman of excellence. It’s funny because a lot of people want what she has, yet very few people can actually do what she does daily.

Such a woman is often behind an extraordinary man! Look at the virtuous woman in the bible: while her husband is very popular amongst the elders at the gate, she is also an investor. She's not just a wife but she is loaded to the core! Basically, she has money and she is called blessed by her children (Proverbs 31:28-31). WOW!

Now, that is a blessing. You don't demand it, but you earn it!

She brings value to the table. This woman is a biblical hustler, in every sense of the word – a true businesswoman! Her hands are blessed, and always looking for ways to be a blessing to her household. (Proverbs 31:13) “She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight.”

She's not just somewhere thinking and looking at herself in the mirror with her beautiful body and hair saying to herself, “I am HOT – in fact, too hot. And if any man wants me, he must be this and must be that….”

If, as a woman, you are seeking the heart of a king, then you yourself must first be a Queen.

Believe that God has made you a success to the man that marries you. Trust that whatever you touch will turn to gold. A virtuous woman is not just a role model with millions of followers on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram – she is also raising a nation and building a respected legacy in the process.

Get busy following your purpose. Remain driven, and build yourself as a woman. If you need to get a degree, it's never too late. Whether you are a single mother or even a teenage mother, the call to be virtuous is the same. If you need to start a business, then start it now! No matter how small your capital is or whether you must first invest in your own talent, do not delay – just get started!

Empower yourself, becoming an asset to your spouse – not a liability
Pursue becoming the woman who God has called you to be.



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